5 Simple Ways to Improve Vocal Health

5 Simple Ways to Improve Vocal Health     I’m standing at the top of the stairs and my 4 kids are in the kitchen getting ready for school.  They are LOUD- because that’s just how they are- and I need to get their attention. We need to be in the van in 5...

7 Singing Basics for the Beginner

Singing basics.  Maybe boring.  But Essential! There is a lot of buzz around online singing training.  Tons of online teachers, promises of greatness, easy singing tips, opinions, and arguments. We have such a unique opportunity to learn more than ever before!  From...

12 Considerations for voice students

  I love to sing.  Maybe I should take voice lessons. I can't sing at all.  Maybe I should take voice lessons? or if you're like me... I didn’t begin studying voice until I went to college. I studied piano, picked up the flute, relearned the clarinet and then tried...

It’s What’s Inside that Counts

As a teacher of fledgling artists and students who are often unsure of their place in the world,  I hope to use this blog, at least partially, as an encouragement toward personal best, toward understanding the gift of music, particularly of singing, that dwells within...

Ready or Not- Jump!

I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve been here.  Ready to start this “first post”.  The perfect setting… Early morning, everything is quiet, my desk is clear and organized.  I am caught up on all of my tasks, and I know which direction I’ll head when I’m finished...